8 Creative Uses for Cookie Cutters
Here at SED Developments we make cookie cutters with multiple personalities. There! It’s in the open and we’re feeling much better already. A revelation. True it’s not up there with who killed JR or the plot twists of Succession, but there you go. At SED we live in a world of gingerbread and cookie dough – some of which I’m sure, has gone to my brain!
We’ve discovered, through designing and making cookie cutters, that half of the time they aren’t used in baking at all. Here are some of the alternative uses to which you can put an SED Developments cookie cutter:
8 creative uses for the humble Cookie Cutter
1. Ceramics
We’ve done several commissions for artisans working with clay. They produce jewellery, table coasters, all sorts of magical items. Because of the sturdiness of the plastic (PLA – Polylactic Acid) the cutters are ideal for cutting through clay. They give a clean cut inside and out. And this, as we learnt of late, is vital because it saves the artist hours of filing and sanding. The image we’ve used is from the very talented Meinir Wyn Jones, ceramic artist and maker from Wales. Check out our blog on Clay and Clay artists here.

2. Quilting/Sewing
Quilting/Sewing – One client used our hexagon for a quilting project because it made a great stencil. But don’t limit yourself to regular, everyday shapes. The Cute Bunny cookie cutter. Our customers are using them as fabric stencils for appliqué onto aprons and tea towels. Or, and we love this idea, pin cushions, to make a gorgeous and individual gift for a mum that sews.

3. Stencilling
Ah! The world of stencils! The individual shapes have been born again as Christmas, Halloween, and Easter bunting. Used by pre-schools as Play Doh cutters and stencils, they’re robust enough not to squash in small hands.
4. Dogs!
Canines need cookies too don’t you know? No – we’re not barking mad. Use a canine cookie dough mix and cut out the dough with our dog bone cookie cutter. You’ll cut the rug on the next park walk. And you’ll make your doggy friend’s tail wag with delight! Woof!

5. Bird-feeder
Take a bird seed recipe (we got ours from RSPB), some children, some funky cookie cutters et voila! Your garden looks far more stylish with original bird feeders than the classic ‘yoghurt pot’ look. Step up your garden game!

6. Food – actual food
Well – it’s all about cookie cutters after all!
Our DD (darling daughter) is a reluctant fruit eater – we expect, you’ve got one of those in your home too? So we take melon and cut it into crazy shapes with the cookie cutter. It’s not unknown for me to cut her sandwiches into funky shapes for her lunch box. Nothing says be my friend like a Batman shaped sandwich. No, really, nothing says it!
We also cut wraps into shapes, then into the oven to make tortilla chips. Go the extra mile for that hot chocolate and freeze whipped cream, cut out cookie shapes ready to dunk. Cut cheese with them?

7. Bombs away! Bath bombs that is!
When we saw what AttaGirl gets up to we were agog! Check out these fab love heart bath bombs on her website. AttaGirl uses silicone moulds but we reckon cookie cutters works as well.

8. Felting
I’ve got a serious felting addiction. I think its something to do with stabbing needles into wool! Stress busting aside, I’ve used our cookie cutter moulds to create all sorts of felted goodies. But then I saw this article from HonestlyWTF about felting onto clothes. They’re making elbow patches. But we say put a felt heart onto your next jumper to make it individual and arty.
There we go, some great ideas to utilise your cookie cutters. Not a one-time use at all, but a multi-tasking tool master, extraordinaire!

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