Christmas Baking Shop 2023
We know you’ll be planning your Christmas collection, we thought we’d come on with our Christmas baking shop 2023. We know – you can’t contain yourselves.
Our unconventional Cookie Cutters, sit alongside traditional designs. Let us create a customised cookie cutter for you.
We know you’ll be planning your Christmas collection, we thought we’d come on with our Christmas baking shop 2023. We know – you can’t contain yourselves.
Halloween crazy we are here at SED HQ. Well we have been since June 2 when we start putting together our Halloween baking shop 2023. This year, in our humble opinion, we have some super ace designs.
8 Creative Uses for Cookie Cutters
We make cookie cutters with multiple personalities. There! It’s in the open and we’re feeling much better already. A revelation. True it’s not up there with who killed JR
Now we at SED HQ make cookie cutters – ergo we make a lot of cookies with which to test said cutters out. So, for the benefit of any new followers and new bakers out there we thought we’d have a look at some cookie making tips.
On the SED Developments website, we go to pains, with every single product listing, to point out that the cutters are not dishwasher safe. Sorry about that! But hey! Accidents will happen won’t they?
Have you ever wondered about making your own dog biscuits? No, us neither – but then we’re a cat household. But a lovely client of ours, came to us for bespoke cookie cutters. After developing various paws and Bones, we asked:
Well – here we are yet again. ‘Tis the end of the year. At this point in the calendar we used to share our crazy baking and our sad iced affairs. But, over the last couple of years, we’ve done far less baking to demonstrate our wares. 🙁
As the sun follows the moon, Christmas comes around each year. And for us in the business world, Christmas comes earlier than it does for most. Ergo, although we’re only in October, Christmas is very much on the menu. A pretty apt analogy there ‘cos when we start thinking about Christmas food looms large. Mind you – were you to talk to Mr SED, he’d tell you that food is on my mind all the time!
So, speeding on from that, let me present our 2022 Christmas collection – yay!! Along with our cookie cutters, we’re also bringing you a selection of craft embellishments. And more of that later.
Can it be that time of year already? Yes, it can and bunnies all round it is. Easter is almost upon us and, as we all know, the largesse of the Easter Bunny* isn’t restricted to eggs. Oh no! Cookies and cupcakes are in the bunny’s basket too!