I spend hours trawling Instagram for cookie decorating inspiration. And I’m in awe. I take my baking hat off to all you cookie decorators out there. You’re doing something I can only dream of. I know, you’ll sit there and say: ‘you can do this too’. And yes, with lots of tutorials, practice and time I daresay I could. Though, I’m missing the most important attribute needed – patience! I want my baking available NOW. And that’s why I make cookie cutters and scruffy biscuits rather than perfection in iced cookie form.
While I fail to provide iced-biscuit eye candy myself, I’ve sought out some of the best hand-decorated cookies I’ve come across on Instagram. And I’m sharing them with you.
The platform is awash with cookie decorators from America. That’s kinda appropriate as, via Dutch settlers on Manhattan Island, the term and the baked-good comes from across the pond. But, to keep it local, I’ve chosen my Insta inspo from British baked-good decorators.
Let’s Dive In!
The Alabama Biscuit
Another hot favourite at SED Developments HQ. The owner, Eva, came all the way from Alabama to live in South-East England. Her Daschund Cookies first caught my eye, but the Gym/gin one is inspirational, even though I’m a vodka girl.

The Biscuit Break
Next on our list of Instagram inspiration is The Biscuit Break. From Woking, they describe themselves a late-night bakers. They’re not alone there. I’m ever-impressed that those producing so much of the baked-good brilliance on Instagram fit it around work, family and life in general. Here’s our faves from Biscuit Break – check out the detail on those dinosaurs!

The Little Baking Co
The Little Baking Co, presented Audrey Hepburn back in February 2019. Based in Oxford and, in common with many of the bakers I admire, self-taught. I adore this little Audrey with her tiara and the eyebrows!

Those Cookies UK
I’ll admit my initial attraction to these bakers came out of them hailing from my original neck of the woods. But bite into their Instagram page and you’re hooked. You could think that the eggs and the basket are easy to do – but in fact it’s no mean feat to get those small ears in the right place on each one. Wow.

Bumpkin Biscuits
Autumn is one of our favourite times – as you’ll have read in our 9 reasons to love autumn blog – lil’ plug there. And these beauties whizzed past our eyes, and revealed Bumpkin Biscuits. The other picture shows cookies made to celebrate National Theatre Day and to promote the pantomime at Chipping Norton Theatre. And check out those London buses. All together now: The Wheels on the bus go round and round ….’

Quirky Cookie Barn
Our last Instagram crush in this blog post are these guys from Cumbria. Natalie’s Labradors grabbed us and gave us a paw to shake. How cute are they with their gorgeous, glossy black coats and Christmas jumpers? She’s full of friendly advice too.

If you’re starting out in the cookie decorating world, Instagram is a brilliant place for cookie decorating inspiration. But it’s so much more than that.
More times than I can count, I’ve read the decorators/makers sharing their wisdom. Newbies – or ‘Nonbies’ like myself, can ask any question, no matter how silly and get a response.
It’s tempting, I know, to look at these baked-goods and say to yourself ‘gosh, that’s a lot of money for a few biscuits.’ But consider the level of skill needed and the hours. So many hours!
That’s it until April. Do go over and check out these cookie decorators and take a look at our own Instagram page for the latest cookie cutter designs. Mothering Sunday and St Patricks Day are on a calendar near you soon.