We share how we got involved in 3d printing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for the NHS in the Covid 19 crisis.
We share how we got involved in 3d printing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for the NHS in the Covid 19 crisis.
You’ll be aware that, if you’re familiar with SED Developments,…
So! You got yourselves a 3D printer. Yay! Welcome to our world. Okaay, we’re writing this blog from the assumption that you’ve been playing around with it and you know it works really well. What’s more you’ve printed all the fun and daft stuff but now you’re looking for some meatier projects – something you can in fact use. Not change the world -y’know – but at least be useful. Yeah? Does that sound like you?
I spend hours trawling Instagram for cookie decorating inspiration. And I’m in awe. I take my baking hat off to all you cookie decorators out there. You’re doing something I can only dream of. I know, you’ll sit there and say: ‘you can do this too’. And yes, with lots of tutorials, practice and time I daresay I could. Though, I’m missing the most important attribute needed – patience! I want my baking available NOW. And that’s why I make cookie cutters and scruffy biscuits rather than perfection in iced cookie form.
Back in July 2019, mooching about on Kickstarter as is my wont – I often look there for innovative ideas and inspiration – I came across a 3D Printer that printed with chocolate rather than filament. Yep that’s what I said! Chocolate in 3D printed format, from Mycusini. You’re with me I can tell. In a state of fevered excitement, I called the tech side of SED developments: ‘we have to get one of these!’
It’s customary at this time of year to have a…
Welcome again to another lil old baking blog from the kitchen of SED Developments HQ. Did you spot the not-very-well-hidden pun? In all seriousness though, as the season for goodwill
Here at SED Developments we’ve noticed that we’re often asked the same questions by many different people. So, we figured it would be helpful to put together some frequently asked questions – and answers – in one handy spot.
Cookie Collection to get you through the main events of this Summer.